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Samsung Galaxy S8 might come with a new pressure-sensitive display

Another day, another Samsung Galaxy S8 rumor – but this time around, it’s an odd one.
According to South Korean outlet The Investor, Samsung is considering adopting an innovative pressure-sensitive display technology for its new line of flagship devices, including the upcoming S8.
The publication claims the report has been corroborated by “multiple industry sources” who’ve asked to remain anonymous.
Here’s what the sources said:
Samsung is mulling to adopt the force touch technology partially from the S8 but the full adoption qill (sic) come in one or two years… It is a matter of time before other major Android smartphone makers deploy the technology that will help enhance user interface.
While The Investor was scarce with details, the pressure-sensitive display will likely work in a similar way to Apple’s 3D Touch technology.
Pressure-sensitive screens aren’t entirely new in the smartphone market. Huaweirecently introduced its own ‘hard press’ pressure-sensitive functionality with the debut of its Mate S smartphone. In fact, it was precisely Samsung that manufactured the force touch screens Huawei used for the Mate S.
The Investor has been spewing S8 rumors left and right over the past few weeks. Previously, the South Korean website speculated Samsung’s upcoming flagship device will don a killer edge-to-edge OLED display that will come in two sizes – a 5.2-inch as well as a 6.2-inch version.

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